Thursday, August 13, 2009

Big Plans

I sat down with Google's free 3-d application Sketchup and started to layout the plans for our volcano we are making for this year's halloween.

I wanted this to be easy to setup and easy to take down, and be reusable next year. I built the model to scale and used standard building materials. One sheet 1/2' plywood, two sheets of luan, and a hand full of 2x4s. For the surface we are going to make rocks out of styrofoam blocks and use great stuff foam for lava.

volcano - frame-face

The sides are made of luan because (1.) we're gonna chuck it on november 1st and (2.) we need to bend them to conform to the edge of the yard/grass. The reusable part is the doorway, the top par with the eye holes, and the walkway. You can almost see how it will be a robot in 4 years from now, and will give a good base for next years new Haunt theme.

This is the empty yard:

sketchup of the yard

Here is the basic layout for the haunt with the volcano. Yes, I did measure the house out and the yard, so everything is to scale:

yard plans

To aid in construction I made a grid in sketch up that I laid over the model. It is in 1 square foot units. This will help draw out the design and let you quickly figure how big each part is. This needs to be easy to understand since none of us are carpenters.
volcano - frame-face-with grid

Here is a rough idea of what it will look like:

Frontal view of Volcano

Here is a shot of the backside. You can see it will be very stable. I plan on using bolts for the connections between the bigger parts, so that it can be broken down quickly and to a small size for storage.

volcano - frame-backside 3/4 view

Can't wait to get started on it!

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